Asylum Seeker’s United

About Us

Welcome to the About Us page of Asylum Seekers United! We’re a community of black immigrants who are asylum seekers in the United States. Our mission is to provide resources, information, and support to other black immigrants who are navigating the complex and challenging process of seeking asylum in the US.
As black immigrants, we understand firsthand the unique challenges that black immigrants face in seeking asylum. We know that black immigrants are often disproportionately affected by systemic racism, discrimination, and violence in their home countries and in the US. We also know that black immigrants are often underrepresented and underserved in the broader immigrant community.
That’s why we created Asylum Seekers United. Our goal is to provide a supportive and inclusive community where black immigrants can find the resources, information, and support they need to navigate the asylum process. We’re committed to empowering black immigrants to take control of their own journey, make informed decisions, and advocate for their rights. We’re also committed to building an inclusive and diverse community where everyone is welcome and valued.
Our team is made up of black immigrants who are passionate about helping others. We bring a range of experiences, perspectives, and skills to our work, and we’re committed to creating a safe and supportive space for black immigrants to connect, share their stories, and support each other.
Thank you for your interest in Asylum Seekers United! If you’re a black immigrant seeking asylum in the US, we’re here to support you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or want to get involved. We look forward to connecting with you!